Car insurance is a necessity, but it doesn't have to be a costly one. Shopping around for car insurance and bundling vehicles are two excellent ways to get the best car insurance rate. However, instead of just looking into how to lower your car insurance costs, find out if you already qualify.
Your car
According to nerdwallet, the type of car you own and its age play into how much your insurance will cost. Comprehensive collision coverage, which provides cost protection for damages from severe weather or accidents where you're at fault, might not be necessary on older cars. The cost to repair and the price for this type of insurance coverage might be more than your car is actually worth. If you're about due for a new ride anyway, don't spend money on preparing for potential accidents to a car that's not worth fixing. As far as type of vehicle, a hybrid or electric car that runs on alternative fuels can be covered under low rates by most insurance companies.
Many drivers install anti-theft devices to protect their cars from criminals. Not only can this help reduce the risk of the vehicle getting stolen, but some insurance companies offer discounts for having them. Contact your car insurance company to see if your anti-theft devices qualify you for a car insurance discount.
Your driving patterns
Do you have a job that's close to home? Are you retired? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you might qualify for lower premium rates. According to USA Today, insurance companies will offer discounts to drivers who put fewer miles on their car, and if you're working from home or not working at all, that means you fall into that category. Additionally, a clean driving record could help decrease costs as well.
CoverHound can provides car insurance quotes on their website.
Insurance shopping simplified
Insurance shopping simplified