The amount of time you spend shopping around for car insurance doesn’t necessarily correspond with getting an incredible deal on your premium. Many of us believe that upping our insurance jargon will better inform us about the art of the deal, even if it takes us hours or days to do so. But time isn’t always on our side. For some of us, we need insurance now. Let’s get down to brass tacks: researching one policy after another, hour after hour, isn’t really relevant anymore. With our car insurance quote comparison guide at CoverHound, we show you what the most reputable insurance agencies have to offer. It’s not only the rates we’re talking about here, it’s also what’s in the fine print.
Learn more about the cost-friendly, efficient nature of our car insurance quote comparison tool below.
Time Well Spent
Your time is valuable. So before you begin your insurance journey, here are a few tips to speed up the process.
One rule of thumb when shopping for car insurance as relayed by the DMV is to gather at least three quotes from different insurance providers. A great time-saving way to do this is through our comparison and shopping portal. After you’ve entered your information into our insurance quote comparison tool, we provide you with a number of reliable insurance agencies detailing the best (and most affordable) auto insurance packages they have to offer.
The Way of the World
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III) as of 2012, 3.1 million car insurance packages were sold online, with 67 percent of online buyers stating they procured their insurance quotes through an online quoting service.
Online quoting services are what’s happening now. Why? Because it saves you the time and hassle of going through multiple insurance agencies. At CoverHound, we give you competitive quotes with just a few clicks of the button. Give our platform a try today, or call one of our licensed insurance representatives at (877) 978-1562 for additional questions.
Insurance shopping simplified
Insurance shopping simplified