A major part of car insurance cost is tied to your past, namely your insurance history. The biggest question is: Do you have continuous coverage?
First of all, what is continuous coverage? If you've checked out our [Insurance Cheat Sheet](http://coverhound.com/insurance-learning-center/insurance-cheat-sheet), featuring dozens of insurance terms broken down into succinct definitions, then you already know. For those who haven't, continuous coverage simply means that your car insurance coverage has been in effect without any lapses. When you're shopping for a new insurance carrier you must prove that you've had continuous coverage, or else your rates will be higher.
So what if you don't have continuous coverage? Exactly how much more will you have to pay? Great question! Here at CoverHound we decided to check out the data for you and let you see just how much more you could be paying for not having continuous coverage.
For our superior coverage policy bucket, the average rate for drivers with three years of continuous coverage is $141 per month. For the same policy without having ever had coverage the rate jumps to $226 per month. That means, all other things equal, the difference between having three years of uninterrupted coverage and having never had car insurance is 60.3%.
For the same average policy with only a lapse in insurance coverage the rate is $153 per month, an 8.5% increase.
Our data reinforces that it saves to be continuously covered. Paying your bills now can help you save money in the future.