Holding certain jobs can indeed help you save on car insurance premiums. Providers are attracted to certain positions -- pilots, actors, artists, scientists, teachers, professors -- with the understanding that people who work at these jobs don’t spend a ton of time on the road, and are therefore generally less likely to be involved in an accident.
On the other hand, those jobs perceived to be more stressful, involving a much greater number trips to and from the office, often at higher speeds and/or later hours, translate into higher monthly car insurance premiums.
Other occupational factors can lead to a lower car insurance rate as well. Teachers are attractive because they are viewed to be “upstanding,” generally averse to driving in a risky manner through the community in which they teach. Scientists also pay less insurance because of the assumption that they are meticulous and painstaking; attention to detail is key on the road and those who have to use it daily at work are more apt to drive conservatively. Actors, writers and other artisans pay less because they often work in cities -- and that sort of commute often involves public transportation instead of getting behind the wheel themselves.
These are all generalities of course, and your situation may be different, but insurance companies do compile a lot of data on our driving habits, and some of these occupational driving trends are borne out by the numbers.
One additional note. Do not under any circumstances lie or mislead about your occupation on your insurance form in order to save a few dollars a month on your bill. Moral quagmires aside, if it’s discovered that you are not actually, say, a teacher, despite your claims, your policy could be voided, and you could even end up on the fraud list, which is shared with other providers who won’t be in any rush to offer you an affordable policy.
By no means should you change professions in order to save on car insurance. The differences are only a matter of a few dollars per month. But that said, if you are already in a position in which you don't drive often -- you should definitely contact your provider about getting a discount.
Insurance shopping simplified
Insurance shopping simplified